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How to Aerate Wine

Mon, Aug 15, 22

How to Aerate Wine

How to Aerate WineYou might be asking, what is Aerating/Aeration?  In simplistic terms it is “allowing wine to breath.”  It is significant because when you allow a wine to be exposed to air after opening, the flavors and bouquet are vastly enhanced. Have you ever poured yourself a glass of wine, walked away from it and afterwards it tasted better?  Oxygen improves the taste and smell of wine and an aerator speeds up the process, giving it the same effect as walking away from an open bottle for a few hours. The aerator is designed to expand the surface area of the wine, which allows the air to mingle with it and forces air to circulate throughout. What all this does is expand the aromatic profile of the wine and softens the tannins for easier drinking.  Here at the Wine ConneXtion we aerate most of our wines at our tastings to give guests the best possible taste of the wines we feature. Aerators provide oxygenation with convenience and are easy to find for purchase. You can find all types in the marketplace but our favorite is the Vinturi line which has everything from small wine top aerators to deluxe models. This is an insider’s must-have and essential to enjoy wine to its fullest potential.

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